Diego Mesquita

A photo of me. It

Since 2022, I am an assistant professor at FGV's EMAp. I am interested in Bayesian inference, deep learning, and distributed ML. The common thread here is to strive for greener (compute-efficient) AI. Lately, I am also working in applications to software engineering and blockchain analysis.

Follow me on twitter @wkly_infrmtive for somewhat regular updates and for occasional bad jokes. You can also contact me through diego.mesquita@fgv.br

Want to work with me? I'm always looking for excellent post-docs and PhD/MSc students.

  • Post-doc positions: send me an email with your CV, a brief motivation, and a pointer to your favorite work.
  • MSc/PhD students: In both cases, you need to sign up for EMAp's selective process. For PhDs, I strongly encourage you to contact me before applying.
I am committed to foster diversity and encourage folks from different backgrounds (e.g., nationality, sex, gender, and religion) to apply.

Selected publications


For a full list, have a look at my Google Scholar page.


Alumni: Jamille Feitosa, João Duim, Eduardo Guimarães, Tuomas Aarnio, Tuomas Myllymäki, Antti Kumpumäki.